Buchanan County Academy
The mission of the
Buchanan County Academy
is to provide structure, treatment, and encouragement
to make positive change
for every youth who enters this program.
The Buchanan County Academy is a non-secure 30 bed residential center that provides programming to those juveniles ordered by the juvenile court to complete the program. Youth committed to the Academy are removed from the home and are required to reside at the Academy. The Academy program allows youth to remain in the community and learn behavior modification skills.
Residents committed to the Academy are required to complete a corrective thinking program. Basic program concepts include responsibility, respect, and remorse. Corrective thinking teaches youth "how to think" rather than "what to think." The program consists of two levels. Youth earn points based on behavior and progress in the program. It is critical for the youth's family to participate in meetings and visitation to assist with a successful transition when the youth completes the program.
The St. Joseph Public Schools provide education for youth committed to the Academy. All residents will be expected to go to school daily and show 100% effort. Residents must comply with the Academy program expectations while attending school.
Other Services Available
Counseling services, substance abuse counseling, recreational services, food service, and Moral Reconation Therapy.
Forms Available/Additional Information
Parents will need to sign a medical release form. Please visit the "Forms" page on this website to view the available forms.
Parents will also be asked to bring any prescribed medication the juvenile will need while being housed.
Medication will be dispensed by our Deputy Juvenile Officers (DJOs) as prescribed on the bottle.
Staff is available 24/7/365 to provide for the needs of the residents.
Parents will also be asked to bring any prescribed medication the juvenile will need while being housed.
Medication will be dispensed by our Deputy Juvenile Officers (DJOs) as prescribed on the bottle.
Staff is available 24/7/365 to provide for the needs of the residents.
Visitation/Phone/Mail Info
Parents/guardians and other approved family members are encouraged to visit at the designated times. Only parents, grandparents and siblings will be approved for visitation. Such times will be determined by your treatment team and/or case manager. Family visitation and participation is very important for your successful completion of this program. Parents/guardians will be allowed to purchase soft drinks from the machine in the lobby. No food products are to be brought in.
For the safety of the students and staff, the following rules are to be observed at all times:
For the safety of the students and staff, the following rules are to be observed at all times:
- Only approved family members and visitors are allowed in the building.
- Legal counsel and Juvenile Office staff are not required to be on your visitation list and can visit at anytime. Residential programming will take priority, therefore, legal counsel may be asked to make an appointment at a time more convenient to any residential programming.
- All visitors are to leave bags, purses and other personal items in the lockers that are provided in the reception area.
- All visitors may be subject to search by Academy staff. Visitors who refuse to be searched or refuse to undergo security clearance through a metal detection device will not be allowed to visit and will be asked to leave the premises.
- Academy staff may terminate a visit at any time. If a visitor is asked to leave they are to leave the premises immediately. Law enforcement will be contacted if any party refuses to leave when requested.
- All visitors are to sign the visitation log at the front desk upon entering the building.
- Students are not allowed to have more than five (5) visitors at a time.
- Parents who are in conflict with one another about visitation are encouraged to alternate visitation days.
- Weapons and tobacco in any form are not permitted on the property. Persons found to be in possession of contraband will be asked to leave.
- Profanity will not be tolerated at anytime during the visit. Persons using profanity will be verbally warned, if this behavior continues the visit will be terminated and they will be asked to leave the building.
Telephone Usage
In order to foster good communication between students and their parents/guardians, telephone calls may be initiated by treatment team members. These calls are discretionary. Otherwise the following rules apply to the use of the telephone:
- The personal telephone calls made by a student are always limited to phone and staff availability.
- The personal telephone calls made by a student are limited to five (5) minutes. This does not include calls to your attorney or DJO.
- Due to programming and activities you are not permitted to have in-coming telephone calls. If there is an emergency, parents/guardians will need to contact a treatment team member or your case manager.
- Parent/guardians may call at anytime to check on your well-being. They are to speak to the case manager first. If the case manager is unavailable they will need to ask to speak to any member of the treatment team.
Mail received by Academy students must be pre-authorized by your parents/guardians. They have to approve who you are able to send and receive mail from while you are at the Academy. However, that list is limited to parents, siblings, and grandparents. Academy staff will open all mail received in front of the student to ensure that it does not contain contraband. Academy staff will not read any of the mail that is either sent or received by a student. You may receive an unlimited amount of letters however; the Academy will only provide postage for two (2) letters per week.