Local Links
5th Circuit - http://www.5thcircuit.net/
Bartlett Center - https://www.facebook.com/BartlettCenterStJoseph/
A not-for-profit organization created under the State of Missouri (General Not-For-Profit Act), with the purpose of stimulating the improvement of social, economic and physical conditions within the midtown neighborhoods. A place for people of all ages to engage in positive and inspiring experiences that provide opportunities for family and personal growth.
Childcare - Provide a loving, nurturing and creative environment for our children.
Youth Programs - Programs include Tutoring, Computer Lab, Stress Management, Arts & Crafts, Dance and Fitness, and more.
Senior Programs - Meals available daily to seniors age 60 and over in the Senior Dining Room from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meals are priced on a “pay what you can” basis ($3.00 suggested). Funding based on AAA & CDBG guidelines. Meal delivery is available to homebound seniors. Also offered are Tuesday & Thursday morning coffee, Exercise & Fitness classes, Socialization and more.
Big Brothers Big Sisters - bbbskc.org/?s=St.+Joseph
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater St. Joseph is a satellite office of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City, started in 2008. This office operates under the same guiding principles as the other 400 Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates. As a satellite office, they enroll the children of our community and match them with caring, adult volunteers in the St. Joseph area.
Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharities-kcsj.org/
Supports people in the community during their times of greatest need, regardless of faith, race or age.
The CENTER, a Samaritan Center – http://www.thecenterlistens.org/
An out-patient counseling center which provides a wide range of mental health services.
Children’s Mercy - http://www.childrensmercy.org/
Provides state-of-the-art, quality health care for every child regardless of the family’s ability to pay.
Community Action Partnership - www.capstjoe.org/
Helps low-income residents of Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton and DeKalb counties in Northwest Missouri achieve economic sustainability and self-sufficiency.
Community Missions - cmcstjoe.org/
Strives to eliminate chronic homelessness in Northwest Missouri.
Family Guidance Center - http://fgcnow.org/
Helps individuals and families lead healthier, more productive lives by providing an array of behavioral health and social and health services.
Inter-Serv - http://www.faithfullyserving.org/
A group of volunteers, churches and community organizations that work together in St Joseph, Missouri to identify unmet needs; define problems and issues; and create viable solutions, all the while lessening the impact of poverty on people in the community. Serving the Northwest Missouri area, specifically Buchanan, Andrew, Clinton and DeKalb counties. Services offered include: Early Care & Education, Southside Youth Program and the Wesley Weightlifters, Counseling for all ages, Budget and Financial Management, Emergency Assistance, Immigrant Services Program, Medicare/Medicaid Insurance Counseling, Volunteer Program, Senior In-Home Services, Senior Nutrition Program.
Calvin Center/Wesley Senior Towers Senior Meals/Mobile Meals - Meals available daily Monday-Friday to seniors age 60 and over at 11:30 a.m. There is no charge for the meal, although a donation of $3.00 is appreciated and encouraged. Meal delivery is available Monday-Friday to seniors who are confined to their residence due to a disability or illness, at a cost of $5.85 per meal. They also offer Bible study, bingo, card games, exercise, quilting, movies and special parties.
Calvin Center Senior Meals Site – 1412 N. 3rd Street – 816-232-7779, ext. 235
Wesley Senior Towers Meals Site – 1002 Francis Street – 816-232-2839
Legal Aid of Western Missouri - http://lawmo.org/
Provides free civil legal assistance to people who need it most and can afford it least.
MERIL - http://meril.org/
Offers solutions to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, people who are aging and people who are looking for skilled nursing services and therapy in the comfort of their home.
Missouri Career Center - app-jobs.mo.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx
Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect - http://dss.mo.gov/cd/can.htm - 800-392-3738 (in Missouri) or 573-751-3448
Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education - https://dese.mo.gov/adult-learning-rehabilitation-services/adult-education-literacy
Provides assistance that helps Missouri adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. The major areas of support are Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English Language Acquisition.
Missouri Department of Social Services - http://dss.mo.gov/
Missouri First Steps - https://www.mofirststeps.com/
Provides services to families with children, birth to three years of age, with disabilities or developmental delays. The program is designed to meet the needs of families related to enhancing their child's development, learning, and participation in family and community life.
Missouri Learns (adult education & literacy) - http://molearns.com/
Missouri School Violence Hotline - http://www.schoolviolencehotline.com/ - 866-748-7047
Missouri State Public Defender - http://www.publicdefender.mo.gov/index.htm
Missouri Suicide and Crisis Hotlines - http://suicidehotlines.com/missouri.html - 1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433 or 800-273-TALK / 800-273-8255
Northwest Missouri Community Services - http://helpmenow.org/
Provides reliable information and referral resources, and other supportive services, for Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas
Noyes Home - http://noyeshome.org/
Infants, children and teens can live at the Noyes Home for as long as needed while a family strives to find solutions, with service provided until a child turns 18. There is no financial obligation to the family.
Progressive Community Services - http://progressivecommunityservices.com/
Supports individuals with developmental disabilities throughout Buchanan County by directly providing case management as well as funding nonprofits which also support people with developmental disabilities.
Salvation Army - http://salarmymokan.org/locations/st-joseph/
Second Harvest Community Food Bank - https://www.shcfb.org/
Food Distribution Center that helps the families, individuals and seniors across our 19 county region, distributing food through direct service programs and through a network of more than 100 Partner Agencies.
Social Welfare Board - http://www.socialwelfareboard.org/
Provides quality medical and dental care to the uninsured residents of Buchanan County with limited incomes.
St. Joseph Safety and Health Council - http://www.stjoesafetycouncil.org/
Promotes being safe in our community, in our vehicles, our homes and at work through the adoption of good safety habits and best practices. Offers a variety of services, including training and educational programs, community outreach and awareness programs.
St. Joseph Transit - http://www.stjoemo.info/index.aspx?NID=310
United Way - http://www.stjosephunitedway.org/
Improving area lives through education, health and financial stability to meet immediate needs and to address underlying causes of problems, utilizing 18 local Partner Agencies and 7 United Way Initiatives.
Voices of Courage Child’s Advocacy Center - https://www.facebook.com/voicescac.org/
The Voices of Courage Child’s Advocacy Center is a multidisciplinary not-for-profit agency which serves Northwest Missouri children who have been sexually or physically abused or severely neglected. Provides counseling for all child victims of abuse, serving children aged 2-17 from nine counties in Northwest Missouri.
WIC - http://www.stjoemo.info/index.aspx?NID=232
A nutrition program that helps mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. Services include nutrition and health education, checks to supplement healthy food purchases for mothers and their children, personal counseling about nutrition, a breastfeeding peer counselor program, and referrals to other health programs for families.
Webster Learning Center - https://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/domain/32
Part of the St. Joseph School District and works to help district elementary, middle school, and high school students succeed when conventional methods have failed.
Youth Alliance - http://youth-alliance.org/Working alongside community partners in Northwest Missouri to make sure local children and teens have the brightest futures possible.
YWCA - http://ywcasj.org/
Mission: Eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Bartlett Center - https://www.facebook.com/BartlettCenterStJoseph/
A not-for-profit organization created under the State of Missouri (General Not-For-Profit Act), with the purpose of stimulating the improvement of social, economic and physical conditions within the midtown neighborhoods. A place for people of all ages to engage in positive and inspiring experiences that provide opportunities for family and personal growth.
Childcare - Provide a loving, nurturing and creative environment for our children.
Youth Programs - Programs include Tutoring, Computer Lab, Stress Management, Arts & Crafts, Dance and Fitness, and more.
Senior Programs - Meals available daily to seniors age 60 and over in the Senior Dining Room from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meals are priced on a “pay what you can” basis ($3.00 suggested). Funding based on AAA & CDBG guidelines. Meal delivery is available to homebound seniors. Also offered are Tuesday & Thursday morning coffee, Exercise & Fitness classes, Socialization and more.
Big Brothers Big Sisters - bbbskc.org/?s=St.+Joseph
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater St. Joseph is a satellite office of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City, started in 2008. This office operates under the same guiding principles as the other 400 Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates. As a satellite office, they enroll the children of our community and match them with caring, adult volunteers in the St. Joseph area.
Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharities-kcsj.org/
Supports people in the community during their times of greatest need, regardless of faith, race or age.
The CENTER, a Samaritan Center – http://www.thecenterlistens.org/
An out-patient counseling center which provides a wide range of mental health services.
Children’s Mercy - http://www.childrensmercy.org/
Provides state-of-the-art, quality health care for every child regardless of the family’s ability to pay.
Community Action Partnership - www.capstjoe.org/
Helps low-income residents of Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton and DeKalb counties in Northwest Missouri achieve economic sustainability and self-sufficiency.
Community Missions - cmcstjoe.org/
Strives to eliminate chronic homelessness in Northwest Missouri.
Family Guidance Center - http://fgcnow.org/
Helps individuals and families lead healthier, more productive lives by providing an array of behavioral health and social and health services.
Inter-Serv - http://www.faithfullyserving.org/
A group of volunteers, churches and community organizations that work together in St Joseph, Missouri to identify unmet needs; define problems and issues; and create viable solutions, all the while lessening the impact of poverty on people in the community. Serving the Northwest Missouri area, specifically Buchanan, Andrew, Clinton and DeKalb counties. Services offered include: Early Care & Education, Southside Youth Program and the Wesley Weightlifters, Counseling for all ages, Budget and Financial Management, Emergency Assistance, Immigrant Services Program, Medicare/Medicaid Insurance Counseling, Volunteer Program, Senior In-Home Services, Senior Nutrition Program.
Calvin Center/Wesley Senior Towers Senior Meals/Mobile Meals - Meals available daily Monday-Friday to seniors age 60 and over at 11:30 a.m. There is no charge for the meal, although a donation of $3.00 is appreciated and encouraged. Meal delivery is available Monday-Friday to seniors who are confined to their residence due to a disability or illness, at a cost of $5.85 per meal. They also offer Bible study, bingo, card games, exercise, quilting, movies and special parties.
Calvin Center Senior Meals Site – 1412 N. 3rd Street – 816-232-7779, ext. 235
Wesley Senior Towers Meals Site – 1002 Francis Street – 816-232-2839
Legal Aid of Western Missouri - http://lawmo.org/
Provides free civil legal assistance to people who need it most and can afford it least.
MERIL - http://meril.org/
Offers solutions to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, people who are aging and people who are looking for skilled nursing services and therapy in the comfort of their home.
Missouri Career Center - app-jobs.mo.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx
Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect - http://dss.mo.gov/cd/can.htm - 800-392-3738 (in Missouri) or 573-751-3448
Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education - https://dese.mo.gov/adult-learning-rehabilitation-services/adult-education-literacy
Provides assistance that helps Missouri adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. The major areas of support are Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English Language Acquisition.
Missouri Department of Social Services - http://dss.mo.gov/
Missouri First Steps - https://www.mofirststeps.com/
Provides services to families with children, birth to three years of age, with disabilities or developmental delays. The program is designed to meet the needs of families related to enhancing their child's development, learning, and participation in family and community life.
Missouri Learns (adult education & literacy) - http://molearns.com/
Missouri School Violence Hotline - http://www.schoolviolencehotline.com/ - 866-748-7047
Missouri State Public Defender - http://www.publicdefender.mo.gov/index.htm
Missouri Suicide and Crisis Hotlines - http://suicidehotlines.com/missouri.html - 1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433 or 800-273-TALK / 800-273-8255
Northwest Missouri Community Services - http://helpmenow.org/
Provides reliable information and referral resources, and other supportive services, for Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas
Noyes Home - http://noyeshome.org/
Infants, children and teens can live at the Noyes Home for as long as needed while a family strives to find solutions, with service provided until a child turns 18. There is no financial obligation to the family.
Progressive Community Services - http://progressivecommunityservices.com/
Supports individuals with developmental disabilities throughout Buchanan County by directly providing case management as well as funding nonprofits which also support people with developmental disabilities.
Salvation Army - http://salarmymokan.org/locations/st-joseph/
Second Harvest Community Food Bank - https://www.shcfb.org/
Food Distribution Center that helps the families, individuals and seniors across our 19 county region, distributing food through direct service programs and through a network of more than 100 Partner Agencies.
Social Welfare Board - http://www.socialwelfareboard.org/
Provides quality medical and dental care to the uninsured residents of Buchanan County with limited incomes.
St. Joseph Safety and Health Council - http://www.stjoesafetycouncil.org/
Promotes being safe in our community, in our vehicles, our homes and at work through the adoption of good safety habits and best practices. Offers a variety of services, including training and educational programs, community outreach and awareness programs.
St. Joseph Transit - http://www.stjoemo.info/index.aspx?NID=310
United Way - http://www.stjosephunitedway.org/
Improving area lives through education, health and financial stability to meet immediate needs and to address underlying causes of problems, utilizing 18 local Partner Agencies and 7 United Way Initiatives.
Voices of Courage Child’s Advocacy Center - https://www.facebook.com/voicescac.org/
The Voices of Courage Child’s Advocacy Center is a multidisciplinary not-for-profit agency which serves Northwest Missouri children who have been sexually or physically abused or severely neglected. Provides counseling for all child victims of abuse, serving children aged 2-17 from nine counties in Northwest Missouri.
WIC - http://www.stjoemo.info/index.aspx?NID=232
A nutrition program that helps mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. Services include nutrition and health education, checks to supplement healthy food purchases for mothers and their children, personal counseling about nutrition, a breastfeeding peer counselor program, and referrals to other health programs for families.
Webster Learning Center - https://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/domain/32
Part of the St. Joseph School District and works to help district elementary, middle school, and high school students succeed when conventional methods have failed.
Youth Alliance - http://youth-alliance.org/Working alongside community partners in Northwest Missouri to make sure local children and teens have the brightest futures possible.
YWCA - http://ywcasj.org/
Mission: Eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Posting of these resources does not constitute an endorsement by the 5th Circuit Juvenile Office, Buchanan or Andrew Counties nor does it guarantee the contents of the websites. These are provided for information sharing purposes only.